Thursday, June 26, 2008

Changing my life...

So I'm in the process of making a huge change in my life right now.... I am going back to school.. Wow I know, right? Me, go to school? I was kind of shocked for a while when I decided to do it too, but I'm getting more excited about it everyday. I've always wanted to be a nurse, but when I first went to college after high school, I just didn't have the drive, nor did I care about going. So this time, I know its what I want to do and I'm going to do it! I am leaving my job at the Radio Station, which I have loved and am going to miss a lot and starting school and a new job. Now I won't say where yet, cause I don't have it for sure. When I do, I'll say. But I'm really excited to start something completely new and challenge myself. Anyone good at Algebra, Biology and Chemistry, I will be needing your help for sure! Anyways, also my Birthday is in one week exactly and I'm excited! You think getting older would be a bad thing, but I actually don't mind it yet. I feel a lot older than 24, so maybe thats why I don't mind it so much. I'm happy that this year instead of always celebrating my birthday two days after or before, I actually get to do it on my birthday! With the 4th of July the next day, I have never got to celebrate it the day of, because everyone is usually out of town. So this year, were doing a party with my family and friends on my birthday and I'm happy about it :) I will be posting pictures of it after next week. Thanks to my husband and my friend Jocelyn :) I will be having a couple parties to celebrate this year, so we'll have some good pictures up here! Thanks you two... I love you both!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Isaiah's Birthday Party

Oh my heck... I can't believe I have a four year old already! We had a fun swim party at Grandma Rieck's house with Corbin as a joint party and it was a blast. We invited family and friends over for a big swim party and barbecue. Thanks everyone for coming! Its so crazy how fast the time has flown by. My baby, Isaiah is 4 years old already and I already feel like I can't slow him down from growing up. I remember when I was pregnant with him and just thinking about how excited I was to see what he was going to look like and how he would sound when he talked and I can't believe how adorable he is. I love my little boy and am already proud of what a good boy he is.... Happy Birthday Isaiah... Mommy, Daddy, and Layla Love you!!

They have so much fun together!!!

My kids have so much fun together... They are the best at entertaining themselves with one another. Most of the time its Isaiah bossing Layla around and telling her what to do, but luckily Layla doesn't seem to mind too much. Their constantly climbing all over eachother and wrestling. Both of their hair is getting so long. Were trying to grow Isaiah's out a little bit to be a little longer and stuff and Layla's is getting to that fun stage where I can almost pull into a pony tail. But we were just hanging out and I just took a couple pictures of them today cause they looked so dang cute playing together. We just had Scott's mom Sandy come and stay with us for a few days and we loved having her here. The kids are just all over here and following her every move.