Thursday, June 26, 2008

Changing my life...

So I'm in the process of making a huge change in my life right now.... I am going back to school.. Wow I know, right? Me, go to school? I was kind of shocked for a while when I decided to do it too, but I'm getting more excited about it everyday. I've always wanted to be a nurse, but when I first went to college after high school, I just didn't have the drive, nor did I care about going. So this time, I know its what I want to do and I'm going to do it! I am leaving my job at the Radio Station, which I have loved and am going to miss a lot and starting school and a new job. Now I won't say where yet, cause I don't have it for sure. When I do, I'll say. But I'm really excited to start something completely new and challenge myself. Anyone good at Algebra, Biology and Chemistry, I will be needing your help for sure! Anyways, also my Birthday is in one week exactly and I'm excited! You think getting older would be a bad thing, but I actually don't mind it yet. I feel a lot older than 24, so maybe thats why I don't mind it so much. I'm happy that this year instead of always celebrating my birthday two days after or before, I actually get to do it on my birthday! With the 4th of July the next day, I have never got to celebrate it the day of, because everyone is usually out of town. So this year, were doing a party with my family and friends on my birthday and I'm happy about it :) I will be posting pictures of it after next week. Thanks to my husband and my friend Jocelyn :) I will be having a couple parties to celebrate this year, so we'll have some good pictures up here! Thanks you two... I love you both!


The Weston's said...

yeah for school- that's way neat- I know what you mean about the feeling old thing- like 50? that's what i feel like some days! Happy Birthday early!

Jocelyn said...

Who said anything about a party? Seriously? Am I supposed to be doing something....

Burton said...

hey babe! Im so glad I came across your blog. glad to see you doing well!

~..kass..~ said...

hey girl, I just say your page of of jocelyns hope you don't care. Your kids are flippin cute! How funny how much your daughter looks like you and your son like scott :) I am going to add you to my friends list. My blog is :)

Katie L said...

Cinds!! Let me know what classes you are taking next semester! I am going to be going back too...and I have some Biology Classes to take as well!!!