Monday, December 28, 2009

Baby #3

Ok now that I have officially told everyone in the family up north now, I can announce it on blogs and stuff.. We are pregnant with our third child! I am a little over 11 weeks, so almost 3 months and showing a lot... not just a little but a lot. Its quite common for everyone to comment that I look like I'm having twins, but I don't know yet. So I hear the heartbeat next week and will be getting ultra-sound around 20 weeks. I may get one sooner and do a 3-d one so I can find out the sex! but no one tell scott, cause he doesn't want to find out till we have it. so we'll see how long that lasts! But I just thought I would officially annouce.. we're excited and Isaiah and Layla are excited! I will have some pictures from the holiday and I'll put some up and you can see how much I am showing already! Well hope everyone had a good holiday!!!


Long Family said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you!!!

The Weston's said...

Congrats you guys!!! 3rd one was a charm for us :)

Heather Stott said...

CONGRATS! how exciting! and dont worry on the showing early thing! I do to! WAY early! I started showing before I found out I was pregnant at 5 weeks! :) good luck with everything! I am so happy for you guys!

Michelle said...

Thats funny that he doesn't want to know. It would be hard not to tell him. Congratulations!

jennie said...

Hey Cindy,
This is Brett in Colorado. Congratulations on having another child. I hope that you have twins. It would serve you right. Everything is going well here. My first semester is over. I tried calling you at biolife a few weeks ago but you were on vacation It would be nice to hear from you. Take care