Monday, July 28, 2008

Hospital Adventure!

Well I had an awesome last week!! So let me break it down a little and explain. So about a month to two months ago I found out I have a hole in my heart. I have been going to a Neurologist for my migraines and had a series of tests and I found that out in one of the tests. Well I guess a lot of people are born with one, but by the time their around two it should close on its own. Well mine hadn't and had been causing some problems. So anyways I had a few tests done here and the cardiologist here thought I was fine and didn't need to do anything. But my Neurologist wanted a second opinion so had me go to this appointment on Monday last week in SLC to see this heart specialist. Well I get there and do this test and find out that I am at the highest risk level and could have a stroke at any time!!! Yeah.. good news right? So he says why wait to have a stroke and possibly be paralyzed from it? So he said we are going to close that hole tomorrow. So yeah lots of fun, I went into surgery the next day and got the hole in my heart closed. Whats crazy is that they were able to go through a vein in my groin and do it. but yet 4 years ago they would've had to do open heart surgery to do what they did... Wow science is incredible. So that was a surprise and shock. Scott was still in St.George and caught a flight up that next morning with my Dad to be there. Which I was so glad to have him there. It was really scary and I'm still in shock with the whole thing. But I'm good to go... I stayed in the hospital overnight on Tuesday and drove back home on Wednesday. Recovered till yesterday and went back to work today... So that was my fun little adventure. Still tired, still sore, and just crazy to think that the hole is plugged up now and hopefully that will help if not take care of the migraines!!! So thanks to Scott, my parents, family, and friends that prayed, took care of me, visited me and just plain out cared! I love you all... thanks for your support. Glad I'm okay :)


*MARY* said...

Yikes! That's quite the ordeal. I'm glad everything went well. I can't believe you're back to normal so soon after HEART SURGERY! My husband just had an appendectomy and it took him more than a week to recover, what a wimp. Anyway, hello, I'm Mary it's a pleasure to meet your blog. You've got a lovely family.

Katie L said...

Hey Cindy!! Scott told us about your surgery and our thoughts were with you the next day!! Im glad you are doing well!!!

Burton said...

Holy cow girl! I can't believe that, im so glad that your doing well. I wish I would have known sooner. But im just so glad they were able to take care of it before anything bad happened. Love ya!

Christine said...

WE are also so glad everything worked out all right! I can't wait to see you this weekend, either! Love you tons,

~..kass..~ said...

wow that is crazy! I am happy to hear you are OK! It is pretty nuts that they can go through by the groin! They had to do that same thing with Darren's dad a few years back to add some stents to his heart. I hope you continue to feel better!

Andrea said...

Hey Cindy we went to high school together I don't even know if you remember me. It was just for our senior year. Anyways, I found your blog through Brittney Scott's And I was reading your story. I am having the exact same problem! However I had a cat scan done, and they said eveything looked fine, and that they could not find a reason for my migranes. I really feel that something else is going on because my heart palpitates all the time, and I am now getting migranes up to three times a week. Would you mind telling me the Doctor that you saw, because I don't feel that mine is taking me serious! Thank you SO much! I am really glad that they found the source of the problem for you, and I hope you start feeling better soon. Also let me know if it helps with the migranes....

Fer, Liz, Jocelyn, Brooke & Dane said...

Hi, I can't believe what just happened to you. I hope all is well. I am so glad that you found my blog. It is so great to catch up with everyone this way. Your daughter is adorable.

Michelle said...

Hey, good to hear from ya. So I actually work in the cardiology unit at Utah Valley Regional so I take care of patients like you all the time!!

Heather Stott said...

holy crap face! that is insane! I am so glad to here it went well. That is a big deal and you just posted about it like this is what happend and I am moving on! wow! you are a strong girl!

Matt and Brielle said...

Oh my girl!!! I am so so sorry to hear about this.I feel so bad I have not seen you forever. I miss dance i need to come back and take some classes:)life has been crazy sounds like for everyone. Well i am so glad you are doing ok,You will be in my prayers.