Monday, April 20, 2009

Surgery Next Week

Wow... so I swear I have way too many medical crap in my life already, if you haven't noticed... But this surgery is a good thing. So I found out a few weeks ago that I have a deviated septum and I will be fixing it next Thursday! I'm excited... I usually sleep with my mouth open and snore and slobber because of it and can't wait to get it fixed. I'm trying to see if they can shave some on the outside or fix it at all while their there.. I'm trying to convince my doctor to accidentally drop the knife on the outside, cause I wouldn't mind!! Anyways I'll be out of work for a week, so if any of you are around come visit:) But we have our dance recital for the studio this saturday also. It will be at Tuacahn, so anyone interested in coming, let me know. It's going to be a good show. I will put some pictures of it on here for sure. We are also having a garage sale on Friday and Saturday, so if anyone has anything they want to just DI or get rid of, let me know.

1 comment:

~shalece~ said...

Hey there... I hope all goes well. :-)